Pelanggaran etika bisnisnya Dari kasus ini saya menyimpulkan kalau Ayam Geprek Bensu telah melanggar etika bisnis berkenaan dengan pencurian/peniruan hak merek dagang, Memaksakan kehendak dan egois. Merekapun sepertinya lebih memilih untuk tidak mengaplikasikan teori etika keutamaan (menurut teori ini etis atau tidaknya suatu prilaku adalah jwaban dari hati nuraninya sendiri). Geprek Bensu Ruben Onsu Tanggapan atas pelanggaran etika bisnisnya Sudah jelas dari kronologi yang dijelaskan pada artikel di bagian bawah BAB ini menyebutkan bahwa Ruben Onsu tidak bisa seenaknya mengklaim bahwa nama BENSU adalah miliknya hanya karena ia merupakan seorang artis papan atas di Indonesia. Namun nama merek usaha BENSU secara hukum merupakan milik PT Ayam Geprek Benny Sujono, yang memiliki usaha kuliner I Am Geprek Bensu yang telah pertamakali memakainya. Ruben Onsu dengan merek usahanya bernama Ayam Geprek Bensu sepertinya terlalu memaksakan kehendak untuk memiliki ...
The United Kingdom comprises of four countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales and 14 overseas territories each country has its own system of administration. United Kingdom has a constitutional monarchy system of government. A prime minister is appointed as a government other than the queen. Queen Elizabeth II has ruled England since 1952 when she was 25 years old. The queen's departure on September 8, 2022 (Rest in Peace), made England have a new king, King Charles III. The National Language of the United Kingdom is English. English is also known for its worldwide language, even becoming an international language spoken by the community. In addition to its language, this country apparently has a myriad of interesting facts that you may not know. What are the facts? Let's find out the facts in the following review. 9 Awesome facts about United Kingdom: 9 Awesome Facts About United Kingdom 1. Union Jack, The Flag of England The british ...
Do you want to travel on the borders that are unique to Europe ? then a vacation to Bratislava is the place to be. Here is Bratislava, a unique city in Slovakia. It is a city that divides two countries, Austria and Hungary. Here's the story. Bratislava is the capital of the Slovak state in the central European region. You know, Slovakia is a splinter country from Czechoslovakia. The point is, the people in Slovakia at that time were no longer in the same vision as the people in the Czech Republic. Be Slovakia broke itself up and stood alone. Trilingual States The people in Bratislava also speak three languages, namely Slovak itself, Austrian and Hungarian. Uniquely the name Bratislava does not apply to the Austrians and Hungarians, because the name is called Pressburg and Pozsony. The name Bratislava was only confirmed in 1919. 9 Interesting Facts About Slovakia One city in two countries The inhabitants in Bratislava, which number about 1.3 million ...
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