
Showing posts from September, 2022

Anak Lesti Kejora dan Rizky Billar Dioperasi Karena Menderita Penyakit Hernia, Sebenarnya Apa itu Penyakit Hernia pada Bayi dan Bagaimana Cara Menyembuhkannya ?

Sedih rasanya mendengar kabar kalau Anak pertama dari pasangan Lesti Kejora dan Rizky Billar yang bernama Muhammad Al-fatih Leslar diakabarkan menderita penyakit Hernia di usianya yang masih bayi dan harus menjalani operasi hernia di rumah sakit.  Apa itu hernia pada anak? dan apa saja penyebabnya? Serta bagaimana cara untuk mencegahnya? Menurut DR. Sung, Hernia merupakan kondisi dimana organ dalam pada tubuh manusia mencuat atau keluar sebagian dari otot atau jaringan ikat di sekitarnya yang mengalami kelemahan atau ototnya belum kuat sempurna. Jenis organ yang biasanya mengalami hernia atau keluar tadi adalah adalah usus. Hernia pada Baby L (Al-fatih Leslar) Sehingga penyakit Hernia pada anak bisa disimpulkan sebagai suatu kondisi dimana adanya sebuah rongga atau lubang di dalam tubuh anak yang terbuka sehingga ada bagian dalam tubuh atau organ tubuh lain di suatu rongga yang bisa keluar dan masuk ke rongga yang lain itu. Pada umumnya adalah usus yang k...

Analisis Kasus Ayam Geprek Bensu Vs I Am Geprek Bensu Terhadap Pelanggaran Etika Bisnis

Pelanggaran etika bisnisnya Dari kasus ini saya menyimpulkan kalau Ayam Geprek Bensu telah melanggar etika bisnis berkenaan dengan pencurian/peniruan hak merek dagang, Memaksakan kehendak dan egois. Merekapun sepertinya lebih memilih untuk tidak mengaplikasikan teori etika keutamaan (menurut teori ini etis atau tidaknya suatu prilaku adalah jwaban dari hati nuraninya sendiri).  Geprek Bensu Ruben Onsu Tanggapan atas pelanggaran etika bisnisnya Sudah jelas dari kronologi yang dijelaskan pada artikel di bagian bawah BAB ini menyebutkan bahwa Ruben Onsu tidak bisa seenaknya mengklaim bahwa nama BENSU adalah miliknya hanya karena ia merupakan seorang artis papan atas di Indonesia. Namun nama merek usaha BENSU secara hukum merupakan milik PT Ayam Geprek Benny Sujono, yang memiliki usaha kuliner I Am Geprek Bensu yang telah pertamakali memakainya.  Ruben Onsu dengan merek usahanya bernama Ayam Geprek Bensu sepertinya terlalu memaksakan kehendak untuk memiliki ...

4 The Most Advanced Robots in the World - PricelessTrust Version

Robots are a tool that can help various human jobs. Since ancient times humans have used robots to facilitate all activities. In the past, the form of robots was not like today, robots in ancient times did not use electric power sources and used computers as brains to process data and commands.  But now in this era of technological progress, the technology in making robots is also advancing by leaps and bounds. It is proven by the easier it is for us to find robots in our daily lives.  4 The Most Advanced Robots in the World For example, in the car industry, which uses armed robots to speed up the process of assembling car parts. Robots itself have many types such as humanoid robots and animaloid robots.  Here we present information about the 4 most advanced robots in the world that have existed to date. 1. Cheetah's Fastest Robot, a Four-Legged Robot Capable of OutruningUsain Bolt A headless robot, developed at a cost from the Pentagon, United Stat...

The Top 5 Most Expensive Houses in The World

My house My palace, perhaps that designation is the most appropriate pinned to 5 of the most expensive houses in this world.  From its very spacious size, luxurious interior and exterior, to expensive furniture, this house is increasingly elegant and famous. The price is no joke, up to tens of trillions of rupiah. Want to know which house is the most expensive in the world.  C heck this out the following of top 5 the most expensive houses in the world. The Top 5 Most Expensive Houses in The World 1. Buckingham Palace (US$2.9 Billion) The first list and claiming the title of the most expensive house in the world, is Buckingham Palace. The palace is owned by the British Royal family and is one of a number of luxury properties in their portfolio. It is located in the city of Westminster, London, United Kingdom and consists of approximately 775 rooms, about 78 bathrooms, about 19 cabins and 92 offices. It became the official residence of the monarchy sin...

9 Awesome Facts About United Kingdom

The United Kingdom comprises of four countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales and 14 overseas territories each country has its own system of administration. United Kingdom has a constitutional monarchy system of government. A prime minister is appointed as a government other than the queen. Queen Elizabeth II has ruled England since 1952 when she was 25 years old. The queen's departure on September 8, 2022 (Rest in Peace), made England have a new king, King Charles III. The National Language of the United Kingdom is English. English is also known for its worldwide language, even becoming an international language spoken by the community. In addition to its language, this country apparently has a myriad of interesting facts that you may not know. What are the facts? Let's find out the facts in the following review.  9 Awesome facts about United Kingdom: 9 Awesome Facts About United Kingdom 1. Union Jack, The Flag of England The british ...

6 Amazing Facts About Australia

Australia is the 7th largest country in the world as well as the only country-continent (Name of a country for a continent name) with an area of ​​7,633,565 km2. The country is known by several other names such as New Holland, Aussieland, Land Down Under and Terra Australis. The name New Holland, which means "New Netherlands", is the name given by Willem Janz, a Dutch sailor who discovered Australia in 1605. Australia has 6 colonies each of  New South Wales,   Queenland, Victoria, Tasmania, North Australia and Western Australia. 6 Amazing Facts About Australia In addition to the facts above, Australia also has some other interesting facts that are rarely known to many people. So that you get to know more about this awesome country, here are 6 interesting facts about Australia : 1. Aboriginal Tribes Aboriginal tribes are the original tribes of Australia that have existed for thousands of years ago. Aboriginal tribes have inhabited the Australian c...

9 Interesting Facts About Slovakia

Do you want to travel on the borders that are unique to Europe ? then a vacation to Bratislava is the place to be. Here is Bratislava, a unique city in Slovakia. It is a city that divides two countries, Austria and Hungary. Here's the story. Bratislava is the capital of the Slovak state in the central European region. You know, Slovakia is a splinter country from Czechoslovakia. The point is, the people in Slovakia at that time were no longer in the same vision as the people in the Czech Republic. Be Slovakia broke itself up and stood alone. Trilingual States The people in Bratislava also speak three languages, namely Slovak itself, Austrian and Hungarian. Uniquely the name Bratislava does not apply to the Austrians and Hungarians, because the name is called Pressburg and Pozsony. The name Bratislava was only confirmed in 1919. 9 Interesting Facts About Slovakia One city in two countries The inhabitants in Bratislava, which number about 1.3 million ...

Top 9 Giant Machines in The World

In order to meet the increasingly high needs of the world, humans are vying to innovate. The development of innovation is also clearly seen with the machines made by humans. These machines serve to assist in the management and development of renewable technologies. The size of the machine varies, depending on the needs. Nowadays humans prefer to use machines that are gigantic in size. Hare are Top 9 Giant Machines: Top 9 Giant Machines in The World 1. Typhoon Submarine The Typhoon was the largest missile transport submarine ever built. This machine with a maximum weight of 26,000 tons, made the Typhoon the most terrifying weapon of destruction at the time. Due to expensive operational costs, this submarine was stopped from operation. The Russian Navy canceled the Typhoon modernization program in March 2012. They said that to repair one Typhoon would be as expensive as building two new Borei-class submarines. Due to expensive operational costs, this submarine ...

Top 3 The World's Most Advanced Agricultural Technology

With the role of latest agricultural technology, it is hoped that it will be able to improve the quality and volume of agricultural products, as well as make it easier for agricultural sector managers to get optimal work results. However, agricultural technology in some regions may still not be suitable for overall application, because it still has to consider several factors such as natural conditions, experts who operate equipment, and public knowledge about agricultural technology tools. Progress and development in any field cannot be separated from technological progress, the agricultural revolution was driven by the invention of machine machines and new ways of agriculture. If there is no change in the field of technology, then agricultural development will stop. Production has stalled and may even decline due to declining soil fertility or increasing damage by disease pests that are still rampant. Examples of technological innovations in agriculture are sensor technology and au...

Mengenal Metaverse dan Cara Kerjanya

Metaverse dan Cara Kerjanya Pendiri Jejaring Sosial Facebook yakni Mark Zuckerberg, akhir-akhir ini begitu gencar sekali memperkenalkan kehidupan virtual seperti di dunia avatar yakni Metaverse. Metavers itu sendiri merupakan dunia virtual digital yang memungkinkan para penggunanya bisa saling berinteraksi satu sama lain tanpa harus bepergian ke manapun. Mereka hanya tinggal duduk santai dan memakai kacamata khusus untuk bisa merubah wujudnya dalam bentuk avatar. Dunia Metavers begitu sangat dilirik dengan perhatian penuh oleh pendiri Facebook yakni Mark Zuckerberg, Ia sangat gencar sekali melakukan rebranding untuk menandakan/merangkul suatu ide futuristik dan cara  hidup virtual di masa depan. Mengenal Metaverse dan Cara Kerjanya Kata Meta dari Metaverse mempunyai arti melampaui, sedangkan Verse diambil dari kata Universe atau alam semesta. Metavese merupakan suatu dunia digital baru yang meliputi ruang virtual dan terhubung pada alam semesta secara virtu...